Our breath is our closest and most intimate friend. It's been with us from the moment we were born. It has been with us through happy times, through challenging times and everyday experiences. It's always there for us and with us.
Noticing our in and out breath is one of our easiest, most convenient and natural tools to combat stress and anxiety, reduce pain and just good old relaxe and soothes us.
My client H. felt the benefits of our work together were like a breath of fresh air. When her stress levels are reduced and she's in a state of increased calm, her brain is able to think more clearly, confidently and creatively.
Here is a simple breathing exercise that you can incorporate into your day:
Breathe in through your nose, filling your abdomen and chest. Count in for 5 counts/seconds. Hold your breath in for 3 seconds. Slowly and gently release your breath through your mouth for 5 counts/seconds. Repeat this 5 times.
Consider ways to put this exercise into your daily routine, when you wake up and go to sleep, drive home from work, or take a shower. Even put a reminder on your phone or a post-it note on your bathroom mirror or computer monitor.
So what are you waiting for? Take a deep breath in… And out!
For more resources on creating more vitality, joy and connection in your relationships, download my free 3-part video series here: www.bev.co.il
This is what H.had to say about our work together."There are not enough good words to say how much I appreciate Bev's patience, passion and undivided attention. For me it was like a stream of fresh air just at the time I needed it most."