6- Week Essential Relational Skills Workshop for Men Online

Everyone says that relationships “take work.”

Has anyone ever told you how to do that or… what, exactly, the “work is?

We teach you the skills you need to “work” on your relationship in just 6 weeks.

What's In It For You?

The Essential Relationship Skills Workshop, based on the work of Terry Real, is a 6-week, training on the skills necessary to engage in the hard work of transforming relationships, with your partner, your family, and yourself.

We meet once a week for 90 minutes each time.

Through group learning, interactions, and personal reflections, The Essential Skills Workshop teaches you actionable skills and a roadmap to decrease conflict and increase emotional intimacy.

  • Learn to be connected and protected in your relationships
  • Identify your five losing strategies
  • Practice the five winning strategies
  • Identify when you are grounded enough to engage in challenging conversation, and when you need to take a break
  • Identify and resolve barriers to connection learned throughout our lives
  • See how self-esteem and boundaries interact to create a relational stance.
  • Start using your new relational skills right away.
“The romantic vision promises ‘shadowless’ relationships, but it is precisely by wrestling
with the relationship’s shadow, with disillusionment, that deep intimacy is sustained.”
How Can I Get Through to You?: Closing the Intimacy Gap Between Men and Women, by Terry Real


Session Dates:

May 20, 2024

May 27, 2024

June 3, 2024

June 10, 2024

June 17, 2024

June 24, 2024


8 pm -9:30 pm GMT+3
1 pm- 2:30 pm CST





Please Note:

Place is limited to 12 participants.

Your Facilitators:

bev ehrlich coach
Beverly Ehrlich, CRLTC
+972 523584202



Tiffanie Goulazian, MA, LMFT

