"Nearly every moment of every day, we have the opportunity to give something to someone else- our time, our love, our resources." S. Truett Cathy
"Nearly every moment of every day, we have the opportunity to give something to someone else - our time, our love, our resources."
S. Truett Cathy

Bev's Blog

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1 minute reading time (160 words)

Boldness, Courage and Overcoming Fear


In my WiSh (Wisdom Share) series with Patricia Brooks, she shared with us two catalysts for building courage.

Get into action and shift your perception When you see yourself differently, you start to behave differently and create new habits.

Patricia suggests you set a meaningful goal based on your core beliefs. In other words, turn your "I should do this", into "I MUST do this."

The world is shaped by the bold—the ones who know that a mountain is climbed a step at a time. The bold are determined to make that climb.

Being bold means you're serious, determined and step into action so that you create a life that matters.

Be bold and seize the day without procrastinating. Put a stake in the ground to show you're more committed to yourself and your dreams than to any fears or doubts.

You can watch the whole 6 minute WISH (Wisdom Share) with Patricia Brooks here: www.bev.co.il (Scroll down the page.)

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Professional Training

  • Relational Life Therapy
  • Clinical Mental Health Counselor, Path Center
  • Certified Life Coach Seminar Hakibutzim University, Israel
  • BA in Psychology and Education University of Cape Town
  • Honors in Psychology UNISA
bev ehrlich rtl certification

Some Topics I Teach

  • Moving from you and me to us consciousness
  • Boundaries and Self Esteem
  • Identifying your losing strategies that pull you apart
  • Winning strategies to bring you joy and closeness
  • Accountability and Repair
  • Full respect living