"Nearly every moment of every day, we have the opportunity to give something to someone else- our time, our love, our resources." S. Truett Cathy
"Nearly every moment of every day, we have the opportunity to give something to someone else - our time, our love, our resources."
S. Truett Cathy

Bev's Blog

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2 minutes reading time (421 words)

Absolute Clarity


 Living intentionally requires clarity. When you are clear about what makes you happy, healthy, loving and fabulous, you become happy, healthy, loving and fabulous.

When S. worked with me she expressed that becoming clear on what really mattered to her and getting rid of what really didn't, made her life a lot easier.

Becoming clearer requires change, commitment and work especially if you are busy, distracted and overwhelmed.

Being clearer in your life will help you make better decisions, become more trusting, be healthier, and do more meaningful work in contribution.

Begin your journey with some of these proven strategies:

1. Create space.

You can't work in a cluttered environment. Clear your work space at least once a week and get rid of what you no longer need.

2. Identify what matters.

Write down your passion statements for work and life. What really matters to you? What must you do in this lifetime?

3. Be present with what you are doing.

Do one thing at a time.

4. Get rid of distractions.

Set aside time to check emails, whatsapp, facebook. Silence all the beeps that make you want to check in all the time.

6. Become still.

Take some time daily to process all the information you have to digest by spending some quiet time meditating, contemplating or walking in nature.

7. Journal to get clear.

Journal for a few minutes every morning. Write down what you feel very clear about. Write what you're not clear on. Sometimes writing will get you to clarity.

9. Get into action

Ask yourself what one small action you can take to move yourself forward and then take that step!

10. Challenge your fears.

Your fears usually mask your desires. Challenge them as they often lead the way to clarity.

Simplicity comes with wonderful benefits. Clarity is the no.1. With clarity you know what your body and your heart want and what next steps to take to get there.

Remove the excess and the distractions. Get clear on what matters by getting rid of everything that doesn't.

For more resources on creating more vitality, joy and connection in your relationships, download my free 3-part video series here: www.bev.co.il

This is what S. had to say about our work together "Bev has an amazing ability to very quickly drill down and get to the point. I left every session feeling like the woods were clearer and I had direction again. I cannot thank her enough for all she has done for me and my family."

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Professional Training

  • Relational Life Therapy
  • Clinical Mental Health Counselor, Path Center
  • Certified Life Coach Seminar Hakibutzim University, Israel
  • BA in Psychology and Education University of Cape Town
  • Honors in Psychology UNISA
bev ehrlich rtl certification

Some Topics I Teach

  • Moving from you and me to us consciousness
  • Boundaries and Self Esteem
  • Identifying your losing strategies that pull you apart
  • Winning strategies to bring you joy and closeness
  • Accountability and Repair
  • Full respect living