It's essential that parents teach their kids how to recognize and honor their own uniqueness, gifts, and talents. Differences are what make them unique. Whether it's their personality, interests, or talents, their uniqueness is a gift and an opportunity to contribute to the world.
Ask your kids these questions to help them understand the importance of honoring their unique gifts and abilities:
• What would happen if everyone was great at art and wanted to become an artist and no one wanted to become a doctor?
• What would happen if everyone was great at sports and wanted to become an athlete and no one wanted to be a taxi driver?
• What would happen if everyone was great at math and wanted to become an engineer and no one wanted to be a farmer?
• What would happen if everyone was great at science and wanted to become a researcher and no one wanted to become a teacher?
Ask your kids what makes them unique? What are their gifts and talents? Suggest they ask five people about what they enjoy and what makes them special. Show them that everyone is different and special in their own way. Our world needs everyone's talents and gifts. Honoring their own uniqueness is the greatest gift they can give themselves. It will enable them to be themselves and take pride in themselves.