Bev's Blog

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Passion, Purpose and their guiding Wisdoms


 In one of our sessions together, S. asked me if she should do something she's passionate about or something she's just good at. I believe it can be both and. The magic happens when you figure out a way to align your purpose, your passions and your talents. My purpose is to inspire people to create positive and healthy relationships. My core passion is educating and empowering people to live with a deeper level of consciousness, authentic expression, alignment and contribution.

Passion is what makes us feel good. Purpose on the other hand is the reason we do what we do for others. In other words how we contribute to the world. Passions may change, while purpose usually stays with us.

Your passions and purpose are part of you and in your life already. You just need to take some time to reflect, notice and adjust your life as needed and keep taking action.

For more resources on creating more vitality, joy and connection in your relationships, download my free 3-part video series here:

This is what S had to say about our work together, "It was such a joy to be with you over the past few months. You show up for your calling so consistently, with real courage and heart.

So excited to watch your important work develop over the coming months and years."

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Professional Training

  • Relational Life Therapy
  • Clinical Mental Health Counselor, Path Center
  • Certified Life Coach Seminar Hakibutzim University, Israel
  • BA in Psychology and Education University of Cape Town
  • Honors in Psychology UNISA
bev ehrlich rtl certification

Some Topics I Teach

  • Moving from you and me to us consciousness
  • Boundaries and Self Esteem
  • Identifying your losing strategies that pull you apart
  • Winning strategies to bring you joy and closeness
  • Accountability and Repair
  • Full respect living