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So You Think your Relationship is Unfixable?

So You Think your Relationship is Unfixable?

‍Dear Visitor,


Too often, we fall into the trap of believing that someone else will complete or fix us. That puts a tremendous strain on our relationships. We can’t make our inner child someone else’s responsibility.

Maturity comes when we tend to our own inner child and stop imposing it on our partners to take care of.

It’s incredibly empowering when you realize that you have the capacity to tend to your own inner child. And the impact that has on your relationships—both with yourself and others—is profoundly transformative. 

‍You can learn more about healing your inner child and past hurts to enjoy healthier relationships in the present. I invite you to read my article on Adaptive Child vs. Wise Adult. Terry Real has coined these terms for us to understand what happens to us when we get triggered by our partner and hijacked by our emotions and reactions.

Whether it feels like make or break for your relationship, or you’d like to learn the skills to keep things on track, if you’re committed to making things work, I’d love to work with you. When we work together, you’ll learn a whole new way of relating to your partner, including how to:

  • Navigate conflict calmly by overriding your knee-jerk reactions during  triggered moments.

  • Identify and articulate your feelings, knowing how and when to share.

  • Stand up for yourself lovingly in a way that empowers both you and your partner.

  • Feel comfortable asking for what you want and telling your partner how s/he can show up better for you.

  • Shift from complaint to request and encourage your partner’s successes.

As a practicing RLT coach, I get to the root cause of a couple’s conflict—the trauma coming from family of origin dynamics—fast. 

When couples see quick results, they feel empowered and motivated to do more and learn more. Couples love learning about themselves and their relationship. The work makes so much sense to them because it’s practical and effective. 

It’s your right to have a deeply connected, and more loving relationship. And, It takes a dedicated effort. I’ll give you that! But if you learn to be skilled and artful, you have the possibility of a closer, more intimate, and healthier relationship than you ever dreamed of.

It’s such an honor for me to be able to serve, support, and help couples come to more connection with each other.

So, if this sounds like something you long for click here to jump on a call with me to see what this would look like.


P.S. I found Kristen Neff's TED talk on self-esteem and self-compassion so inspiring and comforting I can't help sharing it with you. Watch it here:

‍As always I love hearing your thoughts and comments, so feel free to share them.