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What will you discover when you change your perspective?


I asked Marquez Mosher what he means when he suggests we challenge our perspective to create new opportunities. His reply was "check if what you believe is still accurate and applicable". What then? I asked, "Well if they are still relevant then take the next step to achieving the dream you wish to create for yourself, if not be open to new possibilities that you hadn't looked at before."

How do you challenge your perspective? Keep asking "What if….?" This challenges your perspective and beliefs. Be curious!

Our beliefs are never neutral. They either move us forward or hold us back. We become the people we believe we are.

We all have limiting beliefs whether we're aware of them or not. They are probably the main reason you can't get to the next level in your life. If you're not where you want to be, if there are parts of your life you wish you could change but just can't seem to, the chances are, without realizing it, you may have been conditioned for mediocrity. Until now.

Our perceived boundaries, and the people around us have a huge impact on what we believe we can do in life. You can always do and become more! Where you are in your life now or where you have been in the past does not mean you cannot achieve something new that you want. Another level of success or fulfillment always awaits you around the corner. The question is, do you creep up to that corner and peer nervously around it? Or do you stride confidently forward, eager to see what awaits you?

Start following a pattern for success, repeat that pattern over and over again and constantly adjust it as necessary.

You may want to speak to a friend or a professional who will help you see what you're unable to see by yourself.

Change happens whether we want it to or not, progress happens when we get clear on our intentions and get into action!

You can watch the whole 5 minute WISH (Wisdom Share) with Marquez Mosher at Scroll down the page.

For more resources on creating more vitality, joy and connection in your relationships, download my free 3-Part video series here: 

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