Bev's Blog

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Find What Really Excites You.


 Finding her purpose was more than just a cliché for my client T. When we began working together she was determined to live a happier, healthier and more meaningful life.

Why Do You Need a Sense of Purpose?

Feeling like what you do is worthwhile is directly connected to longevity and well-being.

With all of the benefits, it's clear that it's important to find purpose and meaning in your life.

The process requires self-reflection, listening, and finding where your passions lie.5 Here are some suggestions so you can begin living a more meaningful life.

  1. Donate time in helping others.Doing something kind for others gives your life meaning.
  2. Listen to feedback from others who may be able to give you some insight. There's a good chance you're already displaying your passion and purpose to those around you without even realizing it.Hearing others say what they notice about you might highlight some of your passions.
  3. Surround yourself with people who uplift and inspire you.Think about the people you choose to spend time with and notice their positive contributions.
  4. Explore your interests. Notice if there is a topic that you are curious about. The topics you enjoy talking about may reveal the things that give you purpose in life.
  5. Think about what you love to do. What type of skills, talents, and passions do you most engage in.

Finding your purpose isn't something that can be done in a few days, weeks or months. It can be a lifelong journey which begins with one step at a time.

For more resources on creating more vitality, joy and connection in your relationships, download my free 3-part video series here:

Here is what T. had to say about our work together,"For a long time it has bothered me that I didn't know what my purpose in life is. Bev very professionally and quickly helped pinpoint what my purpose is ( the thing that gives me pleasure and the feeling of being in my element) and helped me develop it and guided me and advised me how to fulfill it. I especially liked Bev's enthusiasm and encouragement even of the small, little steps that I accomplished."

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