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What Holds Us Back from Creating the Lifelong Romance we Yearn for?

What Holds Us Back from Creating the Lifelong Romance we Yearn for?

Hi Visitor, ‍

Imagine if when you go to the customer service window and tell the service repre ‍sentative that your microwave isn’t working and she turns round to you and says.” You think you’ve got problems!! My toaster isn’t working!!”


Sounds ridiculous, doesn’t it?  But…that is how many of our arguments go with our partners. “You never pick the kids up on time!” “Well, you never take out the trash when I ask you!!”


Repair is not a two-way street! It’s not a dialogue!! When your partner comes to you upset about something you are at the customer service window ready to see how you can help and make things better!! You’ll get your chance to gripe but now is not your time.


You can get more of what you want in your relationship, really repair with your partner when the wheels come off, and learn to listen non-defensively so your partner feels truly heard.


My latest article teaches you how to do this efficiently and effectively using Terry Real’s Feedback Wheel.


Read My Latest Article:
Speak And Be Heard – The Power Of The Feedback Wheel


Remember that when you use a tool like the feedback wheel, you are here to come back into connectedness with your partner and if you’re not available to do that or you want to collect ammunition against them, don’t agree to do the repair just yet.


So, what really keeps us from building the deeply connected, lasting relationships we so long for?

The answer lies partly in external influences and partly in our own internal blocks…These prevent us from realizing a more intimate, loving, and healthier relationship that we so often yearn for. 


In my latest podcast interview with Brad Walsh from Empowerography we chatted about managing relational conflict, and some of the most common challenges couples face.


Listen to My Latest Podcast:
Intimacy Demands Democracy


Clients are often blown away when I suggest that it’s possible to stand up for yourself and cherish your partner at the same time. As a relationship coach, I've taught couples skills that I’m confident will be helpful to you too in strengthening your connections. You can enjoy some of these free tools too.  


Once you master these skills, you’ll have all you need to realize the lasting, loving relationship of your dreams.


I invite you to start creating the deeply connected, passionate relationship you deserve today. 




‍For more resources on creating more vitality, joy and connection in your relationships, download my free 3-Part video series here: