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Connectedness is Your Birthright!

Connectedness is Your Birthright!


Hi Visitor,


I'm excited to share that I was recently interviewed about my work as a relationship coach in Brainz Magazine! I had the opportunity to discuss my approach to helping individuals and couples navigate their relationships and improve their connection.


Here's the full interview:

Connectedness Is Your Birthright

Exclusive Interview With Bev Ehrlich


When a couple comes to my therapy space, they are no longer living relationally with a respectful and loving connection. Relational Life Therapy (RLT) has a powerful impact on couples by transforming and restoring their relational capacities.


Women today are asking for more emotional intimacy from their men. They’re asking for more than traditional males are being raised to deliver. The essence of traditional masculinity is invulnerability, independence, strength, courage, leadership, and assertiveness. The more invulnerable you are, the more manly you are. And women are asking men to move into vulnerability, to move into their emotions, to open their hearts, to be less defensive, to be more sharing. In other words, to have a broader, repertoire of relational skills.


Couples usually turn up, certain that things in their relationship would be so much better if only their partner would put in the work and make some changes. I am always so touched when they come to understand and take ownership of their part in their relationship struggles, and put in the work to make the changes that can bring them closer together. It's always beautiful for me to see a couple cherish one another and the deeper connection that blooms when they move into more full-respect living.



If you’re feeling disgruntled and despairing in your relationship at the moment, I’d love to help. Feel free to sign up for a complimentary call with me. I will do my best as Terry Real says to get to the heart of the heart of what’s going on for you. I’ll tell you where I think you’re stuck and what your next steps back to closeness and intimacy may look like.



In addition to the articles on my website you might also find my new free resources helpful. Keep checking back as I add more of these.


You can also listen to my latest podcasts: 

  • Behind Your Eyes in which Sussane Kooijman and I talk about the importance of togetherness, why the feminist movement steered us away from that, and how to get the most out of your relationship coaching.
  • Things I Didn’t Learn at Harvard in which Victor Lee, Rajiv Jadhav, and I speak about the relationship dance of harmony, rupture and repair.

As always, share your thoughts, questions and insights. I love hearing them.




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For more resources on creating more vitality, joy and connection in your relationships, download my free 3-Part video series here:


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